Monday, December 1, 2008

Finding Forrester

*An anxiety disorder that is characterized by fear and avoidance of places from which escape might be difficult. *A type of anxiety disorder related to fear, because of the fear the individual avoids the place or situation where they may have a panic attack.
William Forester had locked himself up in his house to avoid public and/or unfamiliar places, this shows that he was actually suffering from AGORAPHOBIA.

similarities between J.D Salinger and William Forrester

Salinger's first novel, The Catcher in the Rye, became immediately a Book-of-the-Month Club selection and won huge international acclaim. Salinger did not do much to help publicity, and asked that his photograph should not be used in connection with the book.

From the late 60's he has avoided publicity. Journalists have assumed that because he doesn't give interviews, he has something to hide. Just like William forester, he wrote a novel, "Avalon Landing" and vanished.People thought he had committed a murdered.

Just like forester, Salinger’s novel also became a best-seller and remains a favorite of high school and college students.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

*Shooting An Elephant*

Burmese people hated the Europeans because they felt oppressed by the Britishers and thought British Raj was a unbreakable tyranny.
Burmese people also thought elephant was their enemy because it destroyed somebody's Bamboo hut and killed a man.
They had no weapons and felt quiet helpless about it.
Burmese were elephant's enemy as they were very excited to shoot the elephant and they were interested in the meat.
George Orwell thought elephant was his enemy beacuse when he shot the soul thought in his mind was that if the elephant aatcked him he will be reduded to a grinning corpes like that black Dravidian coolie, who was attacked by the elephant.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

*me=my mom*


(I feel like throwing the clock away and going back to sleep)

1st thought: Third roza, not bad, 27 more to go~

Ah, its 5:00, I should get up now, before Alina comes in and screams,” MOM!, Get up, I don’t want to miss my roza.”
Ohh..Just in time, she’s here.

Anyway what should I make today? Asking this question from her is of no use, she will obviously recommend something useless.

I wonder what everybody will eat, especially Alina and Sana, God, why are they so choosy!

oh, time is passing by, I need to hurry up. I should wake up everyone.

I'm done with everything even though Alina was continuously irritating me and they are still sleeping!!
I doubt they will get up on time someday.

Even their father act like a child in this matter. Sometimes he makes me feel as if I have six children.

oppss...tea, I forgot to make the tea.
Phew! Atlas they are up, I hope they eat whatever I made happily, they have to do that, otherwise "No Roza"!


Thank God everything went well:)

Friday, August 29, 2008

*It's all about me*

Hey…I am Alina Iftikhar......well not that my name is too long or that it’s difficult to pronounce, I am mostly referred to as "Nina" by my loved ones! My first love is ME! I just love myself...I am extremely creative, fun loving, known as the 'life of my house'=D
I have done my schooling from The City School and Bahria College!
I take things easy.....and I consider myself extremely lucky because I always manage to get what I want without requiring to struggle for it!! I haven't grown up at all!!! I still have a tendency to compare myself to my 12 year old sister=P something I just can't let go of! I am extremely finicky about my belongings......I have to ensure everything is just perfect!!!! and I have to ensure that from head to toe....everything I wear matches well=D..!I am very particular about my hair!!!lol..........COME WHAT MAY, I WILL NOT GO TO A DINNER OR ANY SOCIAL GATHERING FOR THAT MATTER IF MY HAIR IS NOT JUST THE WAY I WANT IT TO BE;)
I hate people who ignore me without any appropriate reason=S

~That's all about me~

*after reading the above....i am sure you must have realized how much I love myself=P*

take care!